Dr. Susanti, received The 2022 Innovator Award for Pharmacy and Medical Devices

by | Nov 3, 2022 | News & Events

Jakarta, November 3, 2022 – Our CEO, Dr. Susanti has received the 2022 Innovator Award for pharmacy and medical devices in celebrating the National Health Day. The award was handed over directly by the Indonesia Minister of Health. The 58th National Health Day is commemorated on November 12, 2022. This year’s commemoration of National Health Day carries the theme “Awakening my Indonesia, Healthy My Country”.

Everyone can play a role in raising awareness of the importance of health. PT PathGen Diagnosis Teknologi also plays a role in increasing health awareness by providing low-cost molecular diagnostics for cancer and other diseases in Indonesia and engaging in capacity building through knowledge exchange with the global partners.

The award represented by PathGen’s team